
PhD candidate in System Science for Defence and Security with a specialization in defence capability development and defence innovation

Institutionen för försvarssystem

The Swedish Defence University is an internationally renowned university in the area of defence, crisis management and security. We offer a unique academic environment where military and civilian researchers, teachers and students interact. We educate and train top-level executives, experts, and researchers for the task of analyzing and managing current and future crises, security issues and conflicts. The university educates all military officers in the Swedish armed forces and leads the academic progression of the military profession. We conduct research in the areas of Law with a focus on International and Operational Law, Leadership and Command & Control, Military History, Political Science, Systems Science for Defence and Security and War Studies.

The Department of Systems Science for Defence and Security conducts research and education at the intersection of social sciences and engineering. The subject is interdisciplinary and studies how a combination of social and technical components affect the systems used for the defence and security of society. The subject's employees primarily teach within the Officer Programme, the Master's Programme in Defence and Security Systems Development, and the Higher Officer Programme. They also contribute by provided teaching and expertise in other civilian and military education programmes, including contract education commissioned by both governmental and private parties. Research is either financed by grants or commissioned by contract.

The subject: Systems Science for Defence and Security

Systems science for defence and security can be described as a discipline at the interface between social science and engineering. The main object of study is the interaction between technical and social components which affect or contribute to defence and security.

One of the main tenets in systems science for defence and security is that technical and social elements should not be studied in isolation from each other. The development, acquisition and use of technology and materiel for defence and security is, therefore, in focus. The discipline is a further development of the subject military technology.

Area of research

This position is directed towards the field of System Science for Defence and Security with a specialization in defence capability development and defence innovation. The specialization defence capability development and defence innovation is a multifaceted area related to both military and societal aspects of defence. The specialization can include, but is not limited to:

  • Management related topics such as innovation management, defence acquisition, and capability management.
  • Technology related topics such as systems engineering, research and development approaches, and defence logistics.

Additionally, defence capability development and defence innovation can take its starting point from research performed in relation to military, civilian, industrial, or commercial aspects.

The applicant should write a preliminary research plan that relates to a specialization in defence capability development and defence innovation.

Basis for assessment

During the hiring process, a special emphasis will be placed on the overall assessment of the applicant’s ability to complete the doctoral program, which is based on the scientific quality of the individual’s previous work. Of equal importance is the quality of the research proposal (preliminary research plan) and the overall fit, relevance and feasibility of the proposal in relation to the current areas of research at the department.

The employment requires that you can express yourself fluently in English, including both verbal and written communication skills.

Relevant military training and education and/or relevant academic degree is an advantage.


This is a PhD position employment governed by national and internal regulations for such employments.

For this position it is possible that the applicant is active as an officer (minimum OF 2) within the Swedish Armed Forces. We are looking for an officer who, after completing postgraduate training, has an ambition to continue working within the academy and the Armed Forces.


In the event of any disagreement between the English and the Swedish versions of this announcement, the Swedish version takes precedence.


Further information can be provided by

Head of Department of Systems Science for Defence and Security,

Deputy Head of Department of Systems Science for Defence and Security,

Phone, Swedish Defence University: 08-553 425 00.

To get in contact with union representatives please send an e-mail to, OFR/ and OFR/

Type of employment Temporary position
Contract type Full time
First day of employment Efter överenskommelse
Salary Enligt lokalt kollektivavtal om lönesättning och lönetrappa för doktorander
Number of positions 1
Full-time equivalent 100
City Stockholm
County Stockholms län
Country Sweden
Reference number Ö 436/2023
Union representative
  • SACO,
  • OFR/O, OFR/
  • OFR/S, OFR/
Published 21.Jun.2023
Last application date 31.Aug.2023 11:59 PM CEST

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